Development environment
reef-pi is written in go and react. This guide will walk through the steps involved in setting up go, nodejs, and finally reef-pi development environment. This guide assume OSX or Linux as the development platform.
Windows is supported for client side development only. Many reef-pi features depend on specific architecture and hardware features that are not available on Windows. Mock implementations of certain hardware drivers are provided for Windows in order to facilitate UI development. Any backend features should be developed using OSX or Linux.
Setup go
Install latest version of go. At the time of writing the guide, the latest version of go is 1.17. reef-pi should work with any version of go above 1.8.
Use any one of these three ways to install go:
I recommend using the official go installation guide to install go in your development machine.
In most cases, for linux based development environment use distribution specific package managers (dnf or apt or yum) to download latest go. Ubuntu linux specific go installation instruction can be found here
For OSX users, if you have homebrew installed, it is as simple as
brew install go
Irrespective of how you install go, make sure you set GOPATH environment variable. I recommend setting GOPATH environment variable inside your home
directory, in a dedicated sub directory: /Users/<name>/gospace
. Declare GOPATH in your .bashrc or .bash_profile so that it persist
between sessions.
export GOPATH=/Users/<name>/gospace
Setup nodejs and yarn
All the User Interface components in reef-pi is written using react, which requires nodejs for development. Follow the official nodejs installation guide to install nodejs in your development machine. reef-pi requires nodejs version 14.0 or above.
For OSX users, if you have homebrew installed, this is as simple as
brew install node
For Windows user, if you have Chocolatey installed, nodejs can be installed with
choco install nodejs
This will install both nodejs and npm, the package manager for nodejs based libraries. reef-pi uses npm to manage nodejs libraries.
Install yarn by following the official instruction
Building and running reef-pi on developer machine
Once go and nodejs is setup, you are ready to start with reef-pi code base itself.
- Copy reef-pi code from github to your $GOPATH
git clone $GOPATH/src/
reef-pi project does not use any go package manager yet. A make target is used to get bare minimal dependencies from github.
All following commands & instructions assume you are working from the reef-pi repository itself, i.e.
cd $GOPATH/src/
- Download go and react dependencies
make install
This will install reactjs, webpack and ancillary package used by reef-pi user interface (front end) code.
- Build reef-pi binary and ui assets
- Finally, start reef-pi in dev_mode (so that all device drivers calls are ignored).
make start-dev
- You can try out the API with curl. Save the auth cookie by signing in, before making any subsequent API calls.
curl -X POST -c cookie.txt -d '{"user":"reef-pi", "password":"reef-pi"}' http://localhost:8080/auth/signin
curl -b cookie.txt http://localhost:8080/api/drivers
- If you are doing UI development you can run
make ui-dev
to run webpack in development mode and regenerate assets upon any ui file save
make ui-dev
Head over to your browser http://localhost:8080/ to see the reef-pi in action.
Running Automated Tests
reef-pi has the following automation tools to promote code quality:
- Go tests
make test
- Javascript code linting
yarn run standard
- Javascript unit tests
yarn test
- To clean up everything(test databases, pre-built static assets of go binary) and start from scratch, run
make clean
- Automated smoke test: reef-pi has a comprehensive ui based end to end smoke test, that you can use to verify your development setup. Run these make targets in separate terminals
make start-dev
make ui-dev
make smoke
Running reef-pi on a raspberry pi
It is likely you would want to test out a new feature on a physical raspberry pi once you have written the code for a new feature. The default make target will create development machine specific binary. For Raspberry Pi, reef-pi needs to be compiled for ARM 6 (raspberry pi zero) or ARM7 architecture. reef-pi’s Makefile has predefined target for this. To create raspberry pi 3 or 2 specific binary, run
make pi
To create pi zero specific binary, run
make pi-zero
Next generate a debian package for the pi zero. This will package the javascript front end, along side systemd unit files and a stock configuration file.
make deb
This debian package can be copied over to a Raspberry Pi computer and run there.
scp reef-pi-x.x.x.deb pi@<IP>:.
To install the new package on pi zero, run
sudo dpkg -i reef-pi-x.x.x.deb
This will install reef-pi binary, create the necessary directory structure, install and start reef-pi systemd service. You can check status of reef-pi service with
sudo systemctl status reef-pi.service
Note, if theres an already installed reef-pi, you have to remove it first. To do so, use the following command:
sudo apt-get remove -y --purge reef-pi